Online Shopping Risks

November 2022 - Bonus

(view our other online shopping risk info: 2021, 2023)


How long has it been since you changed your passwords? The online shopping season is upon us, and now is a great time to do it. To learn more about password best practices, contact us today and we’ll be happy to help.

Saving your credit card information with a third party (browser or vendor) may be convenient, but it comes with a steep risk when they eventually experience a breach. Manually enter your credit card information every time to reduce the risk of credit card and identity theft.

As the holidays approach and online sales increase, legitimate emails sent to your inbox will increase as well. Be on the lookout for phishing scams masquerading as trusted companies. Always double check the domain in an email that looks like it came from a trusted source. Never click links that are sent to your email, instead you can always log in to your account directly. Contact us for more tips to keep you shopping online safely this holiday season.

It’s easy to go down a shopping rabbit hole and end up at an unscrupulous website searching for a great bargain. However, just like you wouldn’t want to shop in a store that looks like it might not be there next month, you shouldn’t trust your credit card and personal information with a website that might disappear next month as well. When it comes to online shopping, it’s best to stick with reputable companies whose authenticity can be verified.

Scammers are creating fake online shopping websites for the purpose of duping would-be customers into giving away their credit card and personal information for false bargains. If the deal looks too good to be true, it probably is.